Image is the Round Rock Teach Academy logo, a circle with a pencil through it that says R.R.O.C.K. Teach.

RROCK Teach Academy


Teaching is the profession that makes every other profession possible.

Round Rock ISD is leading the way for smart, committed people who care about students to become the next generation of teachers.

RROCK Teach Academy, Round Rock ISD’s teacher certification training program in partnership with iTeach, pays up to 95%* of fees for qualified current employees to become certified teachers leading a classroom. Participants are expected to remain employed in an instructional capacity with Round Rock ISD for a minimum of two school years.


High Needs Content Areas

  • Early childhood through grade 6 and English as a second language core subjects with science of teaching reading,
  • Early childhood through grade 6 bilingual education,
  • Early childhood through grade 12 special education,
  • Grades 7-12 math and science, Language Other Than English (LOTE), secondary -career and technical education (computer science, Project Lead the Way (PLTW), engineering).

RROCK Teach Academy Process

1. Apply for RRock Teach Academy

Submit application, resume, and a 250 word essay. 

2. Principal Reference

Please speak to your principal before applying and let them know about your interest in the RRock Teach Academy program. HR representatives will request a formal recommendation once you have submitted the application. 

3. Complete Hirevue

Candidates will complete a 15 minute Hirevue virtual interview.

4. Apply and accepted into iteach

Move forward through the iteach process and be accepted into the program.

5. Formally admitted into RRock Teach

Sign the Round Rock ISD RRock Teach Academy agreement

Program Costs

Employee is responsible for all certification fees:

  • TExES exams, approximately $116 per exam
  • Intern certification fee, $78
  • Standard certification fee, $78
  • Cost of deficiency plan (if needed), approximately $250
  • Total approximate costs: $500+ over a two year span

Round Rock ISD pays for:

  • Total Program and Tuition fees with iTeach, $4,000
  • Emergency permit for first year, $56
  • Total investment: $4,056

Do you have questions? Email Taylor Ratliff, the Assistant Director of Strategic Staffing or call 512-428-2881.