The Source: Announcements

TTU Teacher Incentive Allotment Survey opens in April

TTU Teacher Incentive Allotment Survey opens in April

Round Rock ISD is continuing to work through the application process to become a local designation system for the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). As a part of the application process, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) administers a survey to all teachers employed by the District, which is designed to gauge teachers’ perceptions, understanding and support for their local teacher designation system. Teachers should receive the survey in their District email in mid-late April.

Earn up to $500! Refer A Teacher

You can earn up to $500. Refer a new or returning Round Rock ISD teacher to our online application or forward the Saturday, April 22 hiring event information to a teacher friend. Then, complete the Round Rock ISD Refer a Teacher Bonus Program form. After they’re hired, you’ll get up to $500 after the qualifying period.* 

Round Rock ISD applies for Teacher Incentive Allotment designation

Round Rock ISD applies for Teacher Incentive Allotment designation

HR Services continues to work through the application process to become a local designation system for the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA was created by House Bill 3 (86R) to keep highly effective teachers in the classroom by significantly raising their salaries. The 2023-2024 academic year is the first phase of our path to fully implementing the TIA Designation System. This is a data collection year for our initial cohort of teachers. Round Rock ISD has adopted a phase-in approach to TIA, starting with Kindergarten, first, and second-grade teachers at nine Strategic and Increased Support elementary campuses for the 2023-2024 school year.

Round Rock ISD Payroll Department launches new Extra Duty Pay Request Portal

Round Rock ISD Payroll Department launches new Extra Duty Pay Request Portal

Our Payroll Department is happy to announce the launch of a new electronic platform for the submission of Extra Duty Pay Request forms. This new district process will make the form submission experience timelier and easier for everyone involved.

Effective today, Monday, February 6, 2023, you will be able to submit Extra Duty Pay Request forms online using the Informed K12 platform. Paper forms will no longer be accepted.